Chemical peels

As a result of a chemical peeling the skin tone evens and improves its structure, fine lines become smoother and acne reduces.
Chemical peeling

  • is both a therapeutic and a rejuvenating procedure.
  • is a process of removing upper layers of the skin and its subsequent physiological renewal by accelerating the process of natural exfoliation, using specially selected chemical compositions. 

Medazur Med Spa offers various types of medical peels: according to the composition and depth of penetration.

Bonus effects for the skin:

  • improves the tone and the structure of the skin
  • treats couperose and rosacea in the initial stage
  • evens the surface of post-acne scars
  • normalizes sebum production
  • restores cells and tissues, narrows and cleans the pores
  • eliminates pigmentation
  • activates natural rejuvenation processes…

Superficial chemical peeling is indicated before and between photorejuvenation procedures to facilitate the penetration of anti-aging light into the skin and enhance the effects of both procedures.



Chemical peels
from 30 minutes
from 29 c.u.
Payment in Moldovan lei. 1 c.u. - 22 MDL