
Are you dreaming of smooth, velvety skin and wish to get rid of unwanted hair on your face and body? Make an appointment for IPL effective photoepilation procedure.
IPL is a future technology. Ellipse Nordlys (USA) is the only IPL device in Moldova that has a patented special cooling system which assures your safety!
The advantages of Photoepilation at Medazur Med Spa:
- 17 years of experience;
- doctors' professionalism;
- most up-to-date hair removal equipment;
- safety;
- maximum efficiency, fast and easy;
- best price guarantee for photoepilation.
The procedure's price is determined by the doctor, during the consultation, depending on the required number of impulses.
At Medazur Med Spa, we offer various treatments for the beauty of your body. For example, body skin tightening, body contour correction – LPG -lipomassage, reduction of local accumulation of adipose tissue.
Hair removal, light output area: 4.8cm2 for impulse
from 0.32 c.u.
Hair removal, light output area: 8,6 sm2 for impulse
from 0.4 c.u.
Payment in Moldovan lei.
1 c.u. - 22 MDL