Manual facial massage

The benefits of facial massage have been known since the time of Cleopatra.

  • Facial massage prevents the appearance of wrinkles, increases the production of collagen and elastin. 
  • It relaxes facial muscles, relieves stress and prevents tissue ptosis.
  • Facial massage activates blood circulation and helps cosmetic products overcome the upper layer of the skin faster.
  • It improves skin tone, reduces puffiness and cleanses the pores.

There are a lot of facial massage techniques. We offer three types of sculptural massage that really work and can transform the face: classic, myofascial and lymphatic drainage facial massage.

Classic facial massage comprises familiar to all of us range of movements - stroking, rubbing and patting. This type of massage focuses on skin, improves microcirculation and elasticity forming a healthy skin tone.

Facial massage with aquamarine crystals is a classic massage with cool rocks of mountain crystal, which is especially pleasant in the summer heat. 

Myofascial facial massage is designed to sculpt the face we desire. This type of massage treats facial imperfections and tightens the skin. It is a deep tissue massage that targets subcutaneous layers. The task is to work out the muscles and fascia, and get as a result: 

  • Normal muscle functioning and spasms elimination
  • Defined look of facial contours
  • Wrinkles reduction
  • Smooth, taut and healthy skin
  • More prominent jawline and cheekbones 
  • Diminished subcutaneous fat and a thinner face

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is a lighter type of massage where the pressure applies to certain lines in the direction of the lymph flow and helps to detoxify the skin improving the complexion. 

  • Completely painless
  • Facial contour gets a more defined look.
  • Cheekbones become more prominent.
  • Face is getting thinner.
  • Wrinkles are reduced.
  • Your face becomes smooth, taut and healthy.

The professional mask chosen depending on the condition of your skin will help consolidate the effect of facial massage.
Facial massage can be reserved simultaneously with Spa manicure, pedicure or Thermo-Spa.



Classic facial massage
25 minutes
20 c.u.
Masajul feței cu cristale de acvamarin
25 minutes
20 c.u.
Myofascial facial massage
25 minutes
25 c.u.
Myofascial facial massage
50 minutes
42 c.u.
Combined face massage (a mix of different techniques)
45 minutes
30 c.u.
Lymphatic drainage facial massage
25 minutes
30 c.u.
Payment in Moldovan lei. 1 c.u. - 22 MDL