Anti-cellulite massage
Anti-cellulite massage activates the metabolism, removes water excess and toxins from the body, increases blood circulation, thereby stimulating fat burning. As a result, the skin elasticity and firmness are restored, and the muscle tone is increased.
The manual anti-cellulite massage, thanks to its special mechanical techniques, warms up the tissues, reduces edema, and improves the quality of the skin, erasing the manifestations of cellulite.
The effect is due to the acceleration of the processes of lymph-venous outflow and the normalization of blood circulation.
Hardware techniques like anti-cellulite LPG massage and skin tone enhancement using Icoone Laser Med help to achieve good results in the treatment of "orange peel" skin texture.
For general improvement of the body appearance and elimination of the causes that create skin imperfections, it is necessary to supplement manual massage with regular sports, balanced nutrition, optimal drinking regime and healthy lifestyle maintenance.