Foot paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy for feet is indicated for dry, reduced in elasticity, dull, tired and aging skin.
Paraffin therapy is a medical and cosmetic procedure that involves the use of heated medical paraffin in a form of special wax bath.
What are the benefits of paraffin treatment?
- Effectively soothes dry skin
- Eliminates desquamation and irritation
- Heals cracks
- Softens rough skin
- Extends the "life" of your manicure and pedicure
- Strengthens and nourishes nails
- Facilitates the absorption of active ingredients into the skin from the cream applied under paraffin
- Shrinks when cooled, tightly wrapping around and having a lifting effect on the skin
It is a great alternative for those who prefer comfortable care along with visible results!
Continue with a Spa manicure or choose a simultaneous procedure like facial skin care treatment for wellbeing and relaxation!
Foot paraffin therapy
30 minutes
12 c.u.
Payment in Moldovan lei.
1 c.u. - 22 MDL